Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Stay Thirsty My Friends"

Shields' article on "ways of seeing" and "ways of looking" got me thinking about some of my favorite advertisements, and why I believe them to be affective. First, Shields defines "ways of seeing" as, "culturally imbued codes which are consistent across not only advertising images but other visual images as well..."(26). Second, "Ways of looking" are, "the address of the image to its spectators"(26).
The first advertisement is the always classic Geico Caveman commercials.

Shields suggests that advertising, today, is about showing the viewer's an ideal lifestyle. The Geico caveman commercials are not only funny, but also adhere to this idea. The suggestion being that Geico is so simple even a caveman can use it provides viewers with an ideal service that is simple to use and for everyone. The choice of the caveman character is also significant. It seems to suggest that if you do not use this service, you are outdated.

The next advertising campaign is probably my favorite of all time.

The Dos Equis commercials are a great example of Shields' view on advertising. This commercial attempts to attract the viewer using humor, and I believe does a great job of doing so. Effective advertising stays with you, and I always enjoy watching these commercials and will watch them on Youtube.
Shields' "ways of seeing" and "ways of looking" come in to play with the DOs Equis commercial as well. The commercial shows a character with masculine traits, an adventurous lifestyle, and glamour. Society sees these as desirable traits in a man. A cultured, adventurous, bearded guy. The main message of this commercial is if you drink Dos Equis, your lifestyle will be improved and perhaps you can even become as epic as "The most interesting man in the world."
The most important trait of these commercials is humor. Humor sticks with people. After seeing most of these commercials for the first time, I would bring them up in conversation. This is why these advertisers are good. By using humor, they guaranteed a spread of their products via word of mouth.


  1. I like your post. I think you bring up good points. Effective advertising makes is key to a product being successful. Shields' reminds us though, that there is purpose as to what exactly the advertiser is trying to do with each image they create. Example, it makes us think where do I fall inside the culture that the dos equis man seems to "represent". I think those are the types of questions shields wants us to think about after seeing an advertisement like that.

  2. Good point! I think the analyzation of the characters does make one think of where they fall in society. I was trying to show the way society views the characters, and that sort of relates to what you said. guess i just didn't focus on it enough. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. After watching that video, I want a Dos Equis. I want to be as interesting as him. Good post.
