Monday, June 13, 2011


Reading Deluca’s Image Politics really made me think of how important a visual image can be in impacting people’s choices. When reading about the ‘mind bombs’ and how much influence they had on important policies. It made me think of how even though it is people in power than have the ultimate say on the issues, normal people are more than them; we have the ultimate say of things. If everyone disagrees on a certain topic then they will have to change their policies to please us and keep their position of power. One of the most amazing ‘image-events’ I have seen was organized by a Hispanic organization called that has as a purpose to spread and defend the rights of all animals. This was a protest done in 2009 in Madrid, it is a part of annual protest called Sin Piel (without skin) which is done to raise awareness and to stop the fur industry.

This installation consisted of volunteers being naked and poured with fake blood laying in the floor with donated fur coats being taken off while one of them spoke facts about the cause. This is only one of the ‘mind bombs’ done by this organization there have also been flash mobs and other types of protests which can be seen in the website ( Its intention was to attract the people that were passing by this very public place and for them to listen, the media soon found out and immediately they were all there witnessing it. Their main purpose was for regular people to listen to what they had to say, because they have no political affiliation they had no intention in targeting a specific political figure. They know that the change in policies can only come from the changes of attitudes of the people. In this sense they have been very successful because each time there are more people adding to the cause, there are thousands of volunteers and now there are representatives in this organization in more than 10 Hispanic countries (one of them Ecuador). Personally I can see that their activities have been effective because recently the organization here in Ecuador did a very strong campaign against bullfights which are a very significant and old tradition here in Ecuador. To the shock of everyone in the last popular consult a law prohibiting bullfights in Quito (host to one of the most important ‘ferias taurinas’ or bullfighting events in Latin America) won. This is just one of the many examples of how this organization is achieving changes in policies through their daring and graphic visual protests.


  1. I usually have mixed emotions about celebrities using their "celebrity" as a soap box for politics. For instance I was appauled by Green Day's consistent attacks on GW Bush, not because I didn't see and value their point, I just didn't appreciate the way they went about attacking the President - an office I respect and would not be as quick to throw stones unless I had walked a mile in their shoes. Although I am happy we live in a country were we have freedom of speech and the ability to impeach the President etc. But I digress.

    The image you included immediately reminded me of Lady Gaga's "meat dress." In this instance, I feel she used her celebrity to create a smaller version of a "mind bomb." Despite the smaller scale of the mind bomb, I believe she has overwhelingly successful. Her "stunt" was talked about in every form of media for days and perhaps weeks following her mind bomb. I think mind bombs like this one are most successful when people least see it coming (and even for Gaga this was a new frontier). Her impact far outweighs the impact that "sinpiel" has because of her celebrity and the shock value. Unless you go to sinpiels website or happen to catch one of their adds, the mind bomb is a dud. Just my 2 cents.

  2. I saw this post and had to say something. The first thing is, eeewwww. I want to look away, that is gross. As an EMT, I have seen so many people bloodied up which does not bother me, but for some reason when I look at photos like yours, it causes my emotions to stir. Not sure why? Maybe cause I am looking at it alone and not with others around me who are sharing the same view and will be helping the injured. Anyway, great post, this really is a dramtic way of getting your point across.
