While reading about how the media uses images from traumatic times to help the public overcome the stress, I thought of the opposite end of the spectrum and how manufactures' use images to have the public attach a particular event with a specific brand through advertising. While one is assisting in the grieving process and moving on through terrible events, the other is trying to create a bond between two ideas -- such as athletic success and Gaterade. We have all seen the commercials where the famous athletes such as the Williams sisters and Tiger Woods are sweating out Gaterade. Does this actually happen? I doubt it. But we are led to imagine that these successful athletes drink so much Geterade that they end up sweating it out when they preform. Just as we see all of the images from 9/11 and are reminded of the tragedies and atrocities that occurred, we see these athletes and are reminded of the Gaterade that they drink.
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