9/11 changed the world in so many ways. Not only did my life change, but for the first time in many peoples lives, we began to actually feel fear. This is very common in a lot of other cultures and countries, but was not really in our lives. As a 12 year old, I know I had never been scared like that, and for most of the American public, it was the first time that a threatened feeling was really put into our minds. The picture of the towers actually falling represents so much to our country. It is in our history books and is an image I remember very well. Being from right outside the city, i could see the smoke and rubble from the top of the hill in the town I live in. I know many people who actually watched the towers fall from that hill.

I think the images from 9/11 are something that I consider generational. It's something we grew up and will pass on to our kids. This image of the plane hitting the second tower literally makes me cringe because it reminds us that we can be attacked, that we can be hurt. These events changed our history dramatically but also it has changed the way we are living on a day to day basis today. We wonder why the things that go on today involving the wars we are involved in, well a lot of it has to do with this image right here! THIS IMAGE ACTS! THIS IMAGE DOES THINGS!!!!
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