Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mini Mind Bomb

This link is to the Sara McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video. I am sure some of you have seen this commercial on television, but it reminded me of a mini mind bomb because it shows all the sad image of suffering animals and presents an opportunity to help them through the SPCA. I wonder if people are really affected by this, sure it is dramatic, but if you see it multiple times on TV does it really have the same affect each time? It lacks the intensity and controversiality of a mind bomb, but it is trying to go with the mind bomb affect by making the atrocities known to the public. There is no specific "bad guy" that is targeted in this commercial, but it is evident that there is an ongoing problem that some people want to change. So I guess instead of a full blown mind bomb, this commercial could be considered more of a kick in the shin -- it will knock you off your feet at first, but then it goes away after a while, until you see it again. Instead of blowing up your brain and leaving a lasting impression, it creates a bruise that eventually heals and goes away.


  1. I was thinking of using this as the basis for my post, and I actually didn't check to make sure no one else had before I changed my mind. Good thing too, because I was basically going to write exactly what you said.

  2. Good post! I can't take this commercial. Every time it comes on I have to turn it off, mostly because I'm an animal lover and do support the SPCA, but it is true. It does leave almost like a bruise. There is not one certain image that comes to mind of this organization, but a song and a certain person promoting it instead. I feel like I have to turn it off because it is the same thing over and over again, but I guess in a sense it worked on me!

  3. The video really tears at the heart of the viewer and leaves them with some strong feelings at the end of it. That feeling will help the viewer remember what is being conveyed. It is so sad to see, the animals have no idea what is going on and rely so much on people. It is such a shame that some of the people they rely on so much for, don't treat them right. So sad.
