Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Image Acts

As I was reading Photography, Journalism and Trauma....I could not stop thinking about all of the pictures I remember seeing in the news of what had happened on 9/11. Also because of my week 3 video, 9/11 and it's images have had me really thinking about how I feel when I am looking at the pictures. I found this article about how the Holocaust was not only image based but also documentary. It turns out that the documentaries had more of an impact on the viewers of this time than the still images. But for 9/11, the still images were viewed more than the videos of the planes crashing. It seemed that people responded more to the still images of seeing firefighters and ordinary people on the streets helping others to try to escape this disaster. The still, images really brought together our nation, people from all over the country were helping each other in a time of need. People felt the most devastated looking at these images or people of their country suffering.

Just learning about this made me think more about how much images really mean and what they say without words. A picture really is worth a 1000 words.

Here is the URL to where the article is:

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